- Drop-out-Rate
- fпроцент студентов, бросивших учёбу в вузе
Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь. Муравлева Н.В., Муравлева Е.Н.. 2003.
Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь. Муравлева Н.В., Муравлева Е.Н.. 2003.
Drop-out-Rate — Drop out Ra|te, Drop|out|ra|te, Drop|out Ra|te [ drɔp|a̮utra:tə ], die (bes. österr.): Anteil derjenigen, die etw. abbrechen, mit etw. aufhören … Universal-Lexikon
Drop-out-Rate — D✓Drọp out Ra|te , Drọp|out|ra|te , Drọp|out Ra|te (Anteil derjenigen, die ein Studium, einen Kurs o. Ä. vorzeitig beenden) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Drop-out-Rate — ⇡ Panelsterblichkeit … Lexikon der Economics
drop-out — drop outs also dropout 1) N COUNT (disapproval) If you describe someone as a drop out, you disapprove of the fact that they have rejected the accepted ways of society, for example by not having a regular job. 2) N COUNT A drop out is someone who… … English dictionary
drop — I n. fall 1) a sharp; sheer; sudden drop 2) a drop in (a sharp drop in the interest rate) depository 3) a mail drop II v. 1) (A; used without to) ( to write ) drop me a line when you get there 2) (d; intr.) ( to lag ) to drop behind (he dropped… … Combinatory dictionary
drop — drop1 [ drap ] verb *** ▸ 1 let something fall ▸ 2 let yourself fall ▸ 3 let fall from aircraft ▸ 4 reduce/get less ▸ 5 not continue with something ▸ 6 not include something/someone ▸ 7 stop talking about something ▸ 8 end relationship with… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
drop — 1. verb 1) Eric dropped the box Syn: let fall, let go of, lose one s grip on; release, unhand, relinquish Ant: lift, hold on to 2) water drops from the cave roof Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
drop*/*/*/ — [drɒp] verb I 1) [T] to let something fall The box was so heavy I almost dropped it.[/ex] The children were dropping stones off the bridge.[/ex] He dropped a few coins into my hand.[/ex] 2) to fall She took off her jacket and let it drop to the… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
drop — 1. verb 1) Eric dropped the box Syn: let fall, let go of, lose one s grip on, release 2) a plane dropped out of the sky Syn: fall, descend, plunge, plummet, dive, sink, dip … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
drop — [[t]drɒ̱p[/t]] ♦♦ drops, dropping, dropped 1) V ERG If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less. [V prep/adv] Temperatures can drop to freezing at night... [V prep/adv] Once the rate rises it never… … English dictionary
rate — The cost of debt service paid by a borrower or issuer to a lender or investor. The rate is expressed as an annual percentage of the amount borrowed. For some notes and bonds that pay interest semiannually, the semiannual interest due to the… … Financial and business terms